What is Carbon Zero?

An unstoppable smart contract based Global Carbon Exchange to trade Carbon Credits and Carbon offsets on blockchain offering security and ease of transactions. Matching buyers and sellers with unique artificial intelligence. Building Carbon Zero Impact Fund with goal of taking Carbon Emissions to 0 with engineered solutions.

We have been emitting Carbon in the atmosphere for centuries. As a result, we have more of it than needed, we are noticing the adverse environmental changes, yet some are skeptical about bringing the change needed. Change is hard, especially when it is needed on a global scale with global challenges.

Reversing climate change is the biggest challenge facing us. Realizing sustainable development and economic growth has always been a factor that has pushed lowering carbon emissions to second priority. Especially for carbon-intensive industries like, oil and gas, mining, heavy industry and shipping.

There has always been a huge incentive for industries and mass producers to emit carbon in the environment. CARBON ZERO, is an effort to change that. This is a revolution to incentivize Carbon Capture and Storage, with Carbon Zero (CZO).

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